Best Online Betting Sites

The UOIG actively manages over ,000,000, which is spread across two different Best Online Betting Sites:

Market Breakdown

For the Tall Firs Portfolio, the Best Online Betting Sites breaks the market down into five different sectors: healthcare, consumer goods, financials, technology, and IME (Industry/Materials/Energy). As our process is focused on purchasing individual companies, we rarely make sector bets and attempt to track our benchmarks’ sector allocations closely. This structure allows our Best Online Betting Sites to search for attractive investment opportunities throughout the marketplace, yet still follow the general sector allocations as defined by the respective benchmarks. This is especially critical from a performance perspective, as it allows us to measure our equity selection skills.

Measuring Performance

Our aim is to add value through our individual equity selection process. Our goal is to purchase shares of companies which we believe to be trading at a discount to their intrinsic value, and then realize appreciation over time as the market recognizes these companies’ true values. Since the Tall Firs Portfolio tracks a benchmark, we are able to use several metrics to measure overall portfolio performance. These include raw returns, risk-adjusted returns, standard deviation, alpha, beta, r-squared, Sharpe ratio, Information ratio, and active risk. These statistics can be found within the portfolio summaries of the most recent annual report.